Membership Benefits

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The Asia Food Forum provides its services to those businesses and entities that become its member and partner, which has four membership categories, Corporate, Gold, Silver, and individual members, and two types of Partners such as affiliated partner and implementing partner.
A set of services and benefits are offered to all members and it is categorized based on membership level and fees.

Newsletter: Subscription of The Asia Food Forum directory and newsletters
Business Lounge: Access to monthly virtual business lounge specialized for members
Members Help Desk: Access to members help desk or hotline for urgent cases, needed help, and information.
Office Set-up: Benefit from individualized support, introducing to legal and financial experts, help with administrative procedures in the Asian countries
Extra Services: Bilateral discount privileges in The Asia Food Forum events, visibility study, monitoring, evaluation, market research and other extra services
Disputes: Members dispute resolution services
Business Diagnostics – The Asia Food Forum conducts business diagnostics to solve business problems
Business Directory: Access to the members’ directory;
Import and Export: Legal advice of import and export between Asian countries and other continents
Notification Center: Notifying members about all business updates in Asia (Custom clearance and taxation updates, import and export rules and regulations, governments policies, certification updates, events updates, subsidy projects, trade news updates, and much more)
Consultation: Helping the members to obtain certificates and branding identity.
Online B2B Platform: Members have the ability to access The Asia Food Forum online B2B platform and this access is limited base on membership type
Business Directory: Access to the events booklet
Board Members Election: Having right to vote in the board members election
Marketing and Advertisement: Option to have advertisements through The Asia Food Forum notification center, newsletters, or any other digital marketing platforms
Professional development – The Asia Food Forum organizes business trainings and seminars with the participation of trainers from abroad in order to improve the skills of specialists in member companies
Business Tour: Option of special business tour and visiting of factories in member countries
Business Meeting: arranging of a business meeting, visa invitation and referrals letter to consulates department for the visa in member’s countries
Tenders: Access to the International tender and bidding document
Partner-Investor-Buyers: Assist the members to find partners, investors, buyers, distributors, suppliers and connect with the local market in Asian countries and other continents
Board Members Election: Having the right to the candidate in the board member’s election
Annual Congress: Allocation of one seat in the annual congress of The Asia Food Forum